armember wordpress membership plugin


Author: Brian Denim


Last Updated: January 11th, 2023

ARMember is a WordPress membership plugin that allows you to easily create a membership site and manage your users. In this article, we’ll explore the features of ARMember and provide you with basic information about this powerful plugin.
ARMember offers a wide range of tools and features that make it easy to build a fully-functional membership site that is tailored to your specific needs.

Let’s start by looking at ARMember’s feature list:

  • Easy Setup & configuration: It offers easy setup, making it easy to create a membership site.
  • Courses addon: Allow Members to Buy Courses/Lessons Through Your WordPress Membership Website Using the ARMember Plugin.
  • Multiple Membership Levels: Offer different access levels and pricing plans to your diverse audience.
  • Drip Content: You can release your content gradually, making it accessible to members over time.
  • Payment gateways Integration: ARMember supports multiple payment gateways, including PayPal, Stripe,, and 2Checkout, making it easy for you to collect payments from your members.
  • Content Restriction: Certain pages and posts can be restricted based on membership levels.
  • Member Profiles: Use it to create member profiles with customizable fields and avatars.
  • Email Notifications: ARMember provides email notifications for various actions.
  • Coupon Codes: You can offer coupon codes to your members for special discounts on your membership plans.
  • Social Login: ARMember supports social login integration, allowing your members to sign up and log in using their social media accounts.
  • GDPR Compliance: ARMember provides GDPR compliance features.

Now that we’ve explored the features of ARMember, let’s take a closer look at how it works.

ARMember WordPress Membership Plugin

1. Easy Setup & configuration

ARMember has a user-friendly interface that makes it easy for you to set up your membership site. To get started, you don’t need any technical expertise or coding abilities. The setup wizard guides you through the process, and you can have your membership site up and running in just a few minutes.

2. Online Courses Feature

Online Courses Addon is a powerful extension to the ARMember WordPress membership plugin that enables the creation and management of online courses. With this addon, users can easily create courses, set pricing and access levels, track user progress, and much more.

3. Multiple Membership Levels

With ARMember, you can create multiple membership levels with different access levels and pricing plans. This allows you to cater to a diverse audience and offer various membership options to suit their needs. You can set up free or paid membership plans and also offer trial periods or discounts to attract new members.

4. Drip Content

Drip content is a great way to keep your members engaged and interested in your content over the long term. With ARMember, you can release your content gradually over a certain amount of time. This means that your members will only be able to access certain content after a certain period has passed. You can set the drip interval for each piece of content, and also choose the membership levels that can access it.

5. Payment gateways Integration

ARMember supports multiple payment gateways, including PayPal, Stripe,, and 2Checkout. This makes it easy for you to collect payments from your members and manage your subscriptions. You can set up recurring payments and also offer one-time payments or trial periods. You can also set up automatic renewal reminders to ensure that your members don’t miss a payment.

6. Content Restriction

With this plugin, you can restrict content based on membership levels. This means that only members with the appropriate access can view certain pages or posts. You can also set up content dripping for each piece of content, as mentioned above.

7. Member Profiles

ARMember lets you create member profiles with customizable fields and avatars. This allows your members to connect and engage with each other and also helps to build a sense of community on your site. You can add custom fields to the member profile, such as name, email address, phone number, or any other information you want to collect. You can also choose which fields are mandatory and which ones are optional.

8. Email Notifications

ARMember provides email notifications for various actions, such as successful registration, expired membership, and renewal reminders. This ensures that your members are always informed about their membership status and any important updates related to your site.

9. Coupon Codes

With ARMember, you can offer coupon codes to your members for special discounts on your membership plans. This is a great way to attract new members or reward existing ones. You can set up coupon codes for a certain amount or percentage off, and also choose which membership levels the codes apply to.

10. Social Login

ARMember supports social login integration, allowing your members to sign up and log in using their social media accounts. This makes the registration process faster and easier for your members and also helps to reduce the number of fake or spam registrations on your site. You can choose which social media platforms to integrate with, such as Facebook, Twitter, or Google.

11. GDPR Compliance

ARMember provides GDPR compliance features, ensuring that you comply with the latest data privacy regulations. You can export and delete user data upon request, making it easy for you to manage your users’ data and maintain their privacy. You can also add a consent checkbox to your registration form, and choose which data to collect and store for each member.

In conclusion,

ARMember is a powerful WordPress membership plugin that provides various features and customization options for creating and managing a membership site. With its easy setup process, multiple membership levels, payment integration options, content restriction, and GDPR compliance features, ARMember is an excellent choice for anyone looking to create a membership site.

Brian Denim
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Brian Denim

Brian Denim is a WordPress expert and tech enthusiast. He helps others optimize and enhance their WordPress websites through writing, speaking engagements, and consulting. Brian is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and helping others achieve their online goals.

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